
Color Theory

Color Theory Color Swatch Booklet

Selecting the photographs and designs to represent the Color Theory brand was so fun. It was all about bright colors and youthful energy.

The Power of Color: Color Theory

Color is a powerful tool of communication. Each hue comes packed with a rich variety of emotional and psychological meanings. Consider for example, how a bright cherry red evokes a much different feeling than a pastel shade of blue. And put two colors next to each other, and you’ll discover that colors interact with one another in surprisingly complex ways; two colors can create harmony, or clash together in a visual cacophony. When you really stop and think about it, color can really make— or break— your design. That’s where a color swatch guide can really come in handy.

This guide contains samples of each color available in the Color Theory line of heat transfer vinyl, and was designed to promote USCutter’s house brand of this material. Designed to be put into the hands of entrepreneurs and businesses in the custom apparel industry, this guide is a valuable tool to help them select the appropriate color to purchase from USCutter’s e-commerce website.